Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct for and and share the same backend and operate as one united Service.

At, our Code of Conduct helps us ensure a healthy, respectful, and fun community for all users. This Code of Conduct applies to all users of our platform, and by using our services, you agree to adhere to these standards. Violations of the Code may result in disciplinary action, including account suspension or termination, and may potentially lead to legal actions where necessary. Please address any questions or concerns to the support team.

Positive Participation

  • I will fully adhere to all rules and regulations.
  • I will approach my interactions on the platform with respect, integrity, and a sense of humor.
  • I will treat all users with kindness and respect, avoiding discriminatory, harmful, or disrespectful behavior.
  • I will refrain from negative public commentary or actions that could harm the reputation of other users or the platform.
  • I will not use as a platform for harassment or incitement of harmful activities.
  • I will ensure my jokes and content do not infringe upon any copyrights, patents, trademarks, or other rights.
  • I will not engage in illegal activities on, nor will I use the platform to harm or negatively influence others.
  • I will not upload or share data infected with Trojans, viruses, or other malicious software that could compromise the platform’s integrity or security.

Content Creation and Sharing

  • I will create and share content that is honest, original, and in good spirit.
  • I will not post content that is false, misleading, or offensive.
  • I will not post content that promotes hate speech, discrimination, or harmful behavior.
  • I will respect copyright laws and give proper credit when referring to others’ work.
  • I will not post content that could potentially harm the reputation of or result in liability for the platform.
  • I will report any content I find inappropriate, discriminatory, or illegal to

Confidentiality and Privacy

  • I will respect the privacy of other users and not disclose personal contact information.
  • I will not engage in activities that could compromise the privacy and confidentiality of other users.

Interactions and Communication

  • I will interact with other users in a transparent and respectful manner.
  • I will communicate clearly, promptly, and politely, especially in the case of misunderstandings or disputes.
  • I will not use to commit fraud or engage in dishonest behavior.

Minting NFTs

  • I will ensure that the content I mint as NFTs is original and does not infringe on others’ rights.
  • I will be transparent about the value and authenticity of my NFTs.
  • I will not engage in fraudulent activities related to the minting, selling, or purchasing of NFTs.

Advertising and Spam

  • I will not use for unauthorized advertisements or spam.
  • I will not spam or flood the forums with irrelevant posts or comments.
  • I will not engage in unsolicited promotional activities.


  • I will only make authorized transactions through, including payments related to NFT transactions.
  • I will not use to transfer unauthorized funds or engage in illicit financial activities.

By adhering to these guidelines, we can ensure that remains a fun, safe, and respectful platform for sharing and enjoying humor. Let’s keep our community full of laughter, respect, and positive vibes!